Konnichiwa from….Shimizu Kumamoto!
So, we got transferred again a little more up north from Taniyama we are now in the Kumamoto Zone and we are way close to all the sisters that we are over, in fact we are living with 4 of them in a house now so its way better. This area is actually way bigger than Taniyama was. Kumamoto is a huge tourist place I guess so there will be lots of people to find. We are excited about the change :) Sister Heaton is from Provo Utah and her dad is the director of the MTC.
I don't have anything to exciting to update everyone on, we are getting settled in and getting ready to find a bunch of new investigators. All we do as sister training leaders is go on exchanges to the other areas that we are over and work in the other sisters areas for a day and try to help them with the work they are doing in their area. We do trainings at Zone meetings with the zone leaders and we are the link between president and the sisters in our areas. We will be in our area for most of the transfer, we just had to plan out when we wanted to travel to the other areas to spend a day or so with the other Shimai that we are over. Its not a huge deal :) Sister Buhler was traveling way more because she lived so far from all the Shimai that she was over when she was an STL but I won't be gone nearly as much as her. The areas that I'm over with Sister Heaton are Nagamine, Tsuboi, Shimizu, Miyazaki and Kumamoto. The only one that is far is Miyazaki but we probably won't be able to do exchanges with them this transfer.
This last week was really interesting with all the quick changes that were made, and getting use to a new area/responsibility/companion, but I think this is the closest I have ever felt to the Atonement since I have come on my mission. I know that its comforting and healing power is real. I have felt it more than I ever have since I have been in Japan. Thank you for all of your prayers in my behalf, I know that the Lord is answering them every single day.
I love you all, know that I'm safe and doing well. I will have more miracles to share next week! :)
Love, Sharp Shimai